Eat fresh, local, seasonal foods year round with our organic CSA baskets
The Family Farmers Network brings together local, certified organic farmers who grow fruits and vegetables while upholding the highest standards of organic farming.
Our local distribution is based on the principles of community supported agriculture (CSA). This flexible formula makes it possible for you to eat local, seasonal foods all year long by collecting your organic produce baskets at a drop-off location near you.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Community supported agriculture is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm
Given that, Quebec loses a farm a day, your decision to support a small, organic farm makes a big difference. It helps keep farmers on the land, ensures a safe and healthy food supply, and boosts the local economy.

How to subscribe?
1. Choose a delivery point from 600 across Québec.
2. Sign up by contacting your family farmer directly.
3. Then, just pick up your basket near your home or workplace.
4. Taste, prepare and enjoy delicious, local, organic vegetables!

Different formulas
Go home with your favourite vegetables with these flexible options:
• Mini market
• Exchange baskets
• Supplementary products (meat, fruits, bread, eggs, honey...)
• Vacations periods

Basket contents
Savour the flavour of freshly picked vegetables every week, delivered near your home or place of work.
Enjoy a variety of vegetables and the joy of eating in season.

Winter baskets?
Did you know that several farms produce enough vegetables in the summer to sell them during the winter as well? You can access all the farms that distribute baskets in winter on the map by selecting the winter season 2024-2025.
In Estrie, the Bio-Locaux des Cantons baskets are a collective of producers, and they are THE solution for eating organic, local, and in solidarity with the farmers.

Eating organic
Choosing certified organic foods in Quebec ensures a diet filled with freshness, flavour and nutrients, while supporting local farmers, who have decided to cultivate the land without using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Discover all the advantages of putting organic food on your plate!

We know that this revolution is accessible and necessary.
We advocate for a local biological agriculture, inclusive and coherent with our northern nature and our specific needs.
We advocate for the multiplication of agricultural and educational initiatives that generate kindness on natural and human ecosystems.