Here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.
Delivery schedules vary from one delivery point to another. Most deliveries take place on weekday evenings over a one- to two-hour period. Schedules of workplace deliveries are generally set at a time that is convenient for workers.
More and more farms offer you the possibility of postponing your basket to a later time in the season. Talk to your farmer.
You can also offer your basket to one of your neighbour/friend/family member.
To offer you as much flexibility as possible, most producers offer an exchange basket at the delivery point. This gives you the chance to exchange an item or two for another item in the exchange basket. The content of the exchange basket also varies depending on the season and the farm’s specialties.
The size of what we call a “basket” may vary somewhat from one farm to another. You can expect to receive between 6 and 12 different varieties of vegetables each week. Some farms offer only one size of basket, but most offer two or three sizes: baskets for one person, two people or a family. Baskets may not be quite as full at the beginning and end of a season, but they are abundant at the height of the season in August and September. Of course, the cost of the basket depends on the size.
- Choose a delivery point from than 600 across Québec.
- Sign up by contacting your family farmer directly.
- Then, just pick up your basket near your home or workplace.
- Taste, prepare and enjoy delicious, local, organic vegetables!
Your $24.35 contribution goes directly towards making family farmers Network run smoothly. It is essential to helping our network educate the public and producers about the benefits of local, organic farming, supporting the network’s farms and keeping you informed about farming issues in Québec and abroad.