Organic certification guarantees that any product sold in Quebec and labelled « organic » has been produced in keeping with Quebec organic agriculture standards. These standards are governed by the Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants (CARTV). A certified organic product differs from a non-organic product given the techniques and conditions used in and applicable to its production, which are respectful of the environment and human health. These prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, or of genetically modified seeds, among other things.


In Quebec, the term « organic » is a reserved designation managed by the Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants (CARTV), the sole provincial body mandated to oversee the organic certification process. The CARTV manages and protects all reserved designations for Quebec agricultural and food products.

The CARTV has accredited 6 certifying bodies who are responsible for organic certification in Quebec :

In the rest of Canada, 11 additional certifying bodies are also recognized as organic certification agencies. All of these agencies are accredited in Canada by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and thus also meet the criteria of the CARTV.

All farmers wishing to become organically certified must follow the same three key steps – preparation for pre-certification, pre-certification and certification.


Only products which have been duly certified organic are authorised to use the labels « organic » and « biodynamic », as well as any shortened forms thereof (for example, in French, « bio » instead of « biologique »), or, for that matter, any other terms which could lead a buyer to assume that the product is in keeping with organic standards.

Here are some of the logos you will commonly find in commercial use with respect to our products :

Canada organic, aliments du Québec bio, usda organic, Québec bio, Ecocert, Agriculture biologique